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Isis vs. ISIS: A Vocabulary-Boosting Short Story
Heads Up: Due to the nature of the story, there is some PG-13-level violence. Consider yourself warned! Isis was not amused. Over the...
Shakespeare Never Existed: A Vocabulary-Boosting Short Story
New to Vocabbett? In a nutshell, I create stories that painlessly boost your vocabulary. You can read one below, or download...
Hera and the Headmaster: A Vocabulary-Boosting Short Story
New to Vocabbett? I create stories that painlessly boost your vocabulary. You can read one below, or download the printable version, with...
Turbo-Charge Your Vocabulary With This Simple Trick
Let me ask you a question: were you flipping flashcards in the crib? Probably not! You likely learned thousands of words without any...
How the 'Questions Secret' Can Help Amid School Uncertainty
Quick, what’s 2+2? Without any real conscious effort, I bet the number “4” popped into your head. That’s because your brain is hardwired...
Introducing: The Vocabbett Podcast!
Starting a podcast was nowhere near my radar right now. So why did I do it, you ask? Well, I am obsessed with finding new (and FREE)...
Unconventional Editing Advice
The resounding writing advice today tends to be, “Just get the words on paper. You can edit it later. You can’t edit a blank page. All...
Ahead of Her Time: Print vs. Digital
Wondering if you should get the print or digital version of Ahead of Her Time? Unlike most books, there’s actually quite a difference!
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